NPI for Life: Collaborate for Better Products

By Wedge Greene & Barbara Lancaster

What is happening with old style product launch processes? What was good and should be kept? What needs to change? We find there is a time for speed to market, and a time when “speed kills”. New processes must balance the need for speed against the time required to capture all views and identify all issues so that the new product performs as expected (for the company and the customer). Everyone must work together - building teams as well as technologies.

Service providers can no longer afford separate impact assessments on Network, Operations, Marketing and other departments; now we must measure based on the impact on the company as a whole. In the TeleManagement Forum, NGOSS and eTOM are providing standardized structure to the way products are catalogued and managed. But their most advanced work is occurring in the newly conceived new Service Delivery Framework. Will organizations adopt the necessary process discipline to govern product introduction successfully?

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A version of this article also appeared in Pipeline.

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Author: Wedge Greene
Published: 11/01/2007


Wedge Greene is a consultant for LTC International.

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